Tagged as : transformational-practices, what-we-humans-do-with-words,
Together, we can! But it takes all of us! Are you in?
LEARN HOW on January 11th, 2021, at Noon EST, as Duncan McClintock, Founder of the Walk for the Soul of America, and Dr. Janet Smith Warfield, Word Energy Alchemist, model peaceful, powerful, organic conversations, demonstrating semantic solutions to our human suffering.
They will talk about Duncan’s Walk for the Soul of America, Janet’s forthcoming book, “Surrendering into Soul, A Heroine’s Journey,” and our new educational foundation, Planetary Peace, Power, and Prosperity Legacy Foundation, Inc.
Listen on your computer here: https://boldbravemedia.com/shows/dancing-with-words-dancing-with-wisdom/ or call (866) 451-1451.
And if you can’t listen live, but want to listen later, shows are archived here: https://www.spreaker.com/show/3017884.