Tagged as : releasing-fear, transformational-practices,
Lauren and I will talk about the challenges of protecting and growing what you love and are passionate about in the midst of Covid-19 quarantines and lockdowns, lost jobs, a wildly vacillating stock market, empty rentals, and minimal inflow of money, while struggling to buy enough food to survive and trying to pay fixed mortgages, taxes, and utility bills.
Has Covid-19 brought us all the gift of going deeply within, looking at what really matters, and re-examining the “Power over” and “Power against,” human-created, money structures that have brought us where we are today? Does this human-created, conditioned money system serve us or are we all imprisoned within a system of lack, struggle, fighting, and manipulation. Can we shift into “Power with” by creating a Sacred Economy of giving and receiving – not because some authority has told us we must, but out of desire, mutual benefit, and abundance?
These are big questions with complex answers, but if anyone can clarify the issues and help us move forward to resolve them together, it’s Lauren Cohen, globally-acclaimed turnkey legal advisor who’s passionate about protecting the heart and soul of clients’ businesses and helping them live, work, and play anywhere in the world.